Investing Insights




FinEdge is India's leading tech enabled investment management company and manages over 1000 crores of goal-based investments for its 18,000 clients spread across 1800 cities in the country. 

FinEdge has pioneered the use of technology and human expertise and has established itself as the world's first wealth tech company to introduce Bionic investing.

Mutual Fund Investment Traps to Avoid Right Now

Vibrant markets tend to spawn many a self-advising ‘expert’, and that’s a phenomenon that proliferated widely in the years between 2012 and 2017. Equity markets rose (albeit with its share of jitters in between!) prolifically in this period, with the bellwether NIFTY index more than doubling from 4,800 to 11,000 levels. At the same time, bond markets delivered excellent returns in the 3 years between 2014 and 2017, on the back of multiple tailwinds such as low inflation, falling crude prices and global economic weakness.

4 Basic Mutual Fund Investment Rules

Whether you’re a short-term investor or a long-term one, a high-risk taker or risk averse; there’s a Mutual Fund out there to suit your needs. Mutual Funds Sahi Hai, but only if you follow a few basic principles while investing in them. Here are four important rules for you to follow while making mutual fund investments.

3 Debt Mutual Fund Investment Myths to watch out for

While debt funds offer a safer option compared to equities, it's important to debunk these myths before diving in. Remember, terms like 'income' or 'fixed' don’t guarantee what they may seem to promise. Always do your due diligence and be aware of the risks involved, especially with GILT funds and FMPs. Debt funds are about managing risk, not avoiding it entirely!

How to invest into Mutual Funds using STP’s

Despite their widespread proliferation, many investors remain confused about how to invest in mutual funds using STPs or ‘Systematic Transfer Plans’. This article will present a few simple rules for you to make your STP-led mutual fund investments a whole lot more effective. But first – the basics.

Guide: How to invest in an ELSS

With barely a week left in the Financial Year, there will be many who will be engaged in a last-minute scramble to invest into tax saving investments. One some instrument of choice is a ‘tax saving mutual fund’, also known as an ELSS. If you’re one of them, here a simple ready reckoner on how to go about with investing in an ELSS.

Should you book profits in your Mutual Funds before March 31st?

Mutual Funds Sahi Hai”, says the impactful awareness campaign that has built up significant momentum in the past year.

How to invest in SIP’s or Systematic Investment Plan

Mutual Fund SIP’s (Systematic Investment Plans) have caught the fancy of many an investor in recent times.

How to invest in SIP’s or Systematic Investment Plan

Read this blog to know simple steps to invest in SIPs if you’re a first-time investor who is confused about how to invest in SIP’s. To know more, visit FinEdge now!

Five things You Need to Know About Tax Saving Mutual Funds

As we enter the last month of the Fiscal Year, there’s bound to be an increased interest in tax saving investments. One such investment avenue which helps you save taxes under Section 80C is a tax saving mutual fund, or ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme). If you’re thinking about investing into a tax saving mutual fund this year, here are five things for you to keep in mind.

The question most investors are asking: Abhi Kaunsa Mutual Fund Sahi Hai?

AMFI’s impactful “Mutual Fund Sahi Hai” Campaign has been extremely successful in drawing new investors into the fold. The industry AUM recently went past the 23 Lakh Crore mark, with the folio count looking all set to cross 7 crores this year.

Retirement Income Generation – Mistakes to Avoid

Much has been said and written about how to save enough for your retirement, but there’s lesser awareness about ways and means to effectively generate a reliable income stream from your hard-earned retirement corpus, after you’ve finally hung up your work boots for good! As a result, many retirees end up repeating a series of all too common mistakes when it comes to retirement income generation – some easily reversible, some catastrophic and irreversible. Here are three common retirement planning income generation mistakes that you should be watchful for.

Liquid Funds vs Arbitrage Funds – Which of These Works Best for You

Arbitrage Funds, on account of their superior tax efficiency when compared to liquid mutual funds, gained quite a bit of popularity after the Union Budget 2014. It was during this budget that the minimum holding period for all debt oriented mutual fund investments to qualify for long-term capital gains was increased from 1 year to 3 years.