Investing Insights

The benefits of ELSS investment for the salaried class

ELSS Funds (Equity Linked Savings Schemes) are one of the best options for saving taxes under Section 80C. In a nutshell, an ELSS is an equity-based, diversified tax saving mutual fund scheme with a hard lock-in period of 3 years.

When should you start with Retirement Planning?

Don’t be fooled by all those advertisements featuring retired couples sipping cocktails on a sunny beach. Retirement Planning is serious business; and a mix of social, cultural, and economic factors are making it a more critical element of your financial planning with every passing day. Unfortunately, recent research also shows that only about 50% of us are habitually saving for our retirement planning.

The 5 things all great Advisors expect from their Clients

While much has been said about the traits of great Financial Advisors, the fact remains that the Client-Advisor relationship is a deeply symbiotic one, whose long-term success is contingent upon the attitudes and actions of both parties involved. Here are the five things that your Financial Advisor expects from you to ensure that your investing experience a great one.

Five Traits of Smart Investors

It goes without saying that the COVID 19 crisis has tested the mettle of investors like never before. From the heady highs of February to the dark depths of March, and to the sharp recovery that has followed since, market movements of 2020 have been truly unprecedented. However, smart investors continue to remain relatively unscathed through all this madness, while the less smart ones have seen their portfolios getting pulverized. Do you want to be a smart investor too? Start off by cultivating these five traits that characterize them.

Is COVID19 triggering these Behavioural Biases in you?

Read this blog to know learn about behavioural biases in investors caused due to market volatility due to COVID-19. To know more, visit FinEdge now!

NIFTY soars past 10,000 – here are 5 mistakes to avoid

Cheering the Government’s move to “unlock” the economy after more than two harrowing months, the stock markets rallied strongly, taking the bellwether NIFTY index past the psychologically important 10,000 mark yesterday. As an investor, here are five mistakes you should guard your portfolio against.

The Importance of Portfolio Reviews

It can be said that the hallmark of great Financial Advisors is the efficiency and efficacy of their Portfolio Review process. We live in a dynamic era, in which reality is evolving on an almost continuous basis. In such a scenario where today’s reality may be markedly different from yesterdays, the convenient “SIP it, shut it, forget it” philosophy may not hold its ground too well. It becomes critical to revisit your investment portfolio at least once a year, or if high-impact economic events take place, to make sure everything is still in sync. Here are five key objectives that conflict-free Financial Advisors aim to achieve during a periodic Portfolio Review.