Investing Insights

Retirement Planning: Generating Income Through SWP's

New retirees typically face the common dilemma of how best to generate retirement income from their hard-won savings. Should they purchase an annuity, opt for a post office monthly income plan, buy real estate and earn rental incomes, or for that matter – just be content with earning FD interest? But did you know that even for post-retirement income generation, Mutual Funds Sahi Hai? In fact, Mutual Fund SWP’s (Systematic Withdrawal Plans) represent one of the simplest, most tax-efficient and high yielding income generation methods available today.

How to Make Your SIP Investments Work for You

Read this blog to know 4 important tips to make Mutual Fund SIP work for you. To know more about SIP Investments, visit FinEdge now!

3 ELSS Mutual Fund Related Mistakes to Avoid

Smart tax savings start with avoiding common ELSS mistakes—don’t let short-term thinking cost you long-term gains!

Should you invest into Child Education Plans?

Its no secret that sending their kids off for a top notch higher education is a prime aspirational goal for most Indian parents. The segment of the financial services ecosystem that has capitalised most richly on this ubiquitous goal is, undoubtedly, the Life Insurers. With glossy brochures and opaque plans that are loaded with jargon, these so-called Child Education plans have snared many an unsuspecting investor over the years. But are these Child Education plans really worth buying into? Let’s find out.

Post Recategorization: Which Debt Mutual Fund is "Sahi" for you?

Read this blog to know the correct debt mutual fund. Debt Mutual Funds are divided in 16 different categories so many investors are confused. To know more, visit us now!

How are Mutual Fund SIP Returns Calculated?

Read this blog to learn how are Mutual Fund SIP returns are calculated? To know more about how SIP returns are calculated, visit FinEdge now.