Investing Insights

Hybrid Mutual Funds - Decoded

SEBI’s recent recategorization move has resulted in the creation of 36 “categories” of Mutual Funds, each with iron-tight definitions that are impossible to manipulate. In the long run, this stands to benefit investors as they will know exactly what they’re getting into while investing their hard-earned money! Here are the 6 sub-categories of “Hybrid” Mutual Funds, along with a short note on who exactly this category of Mutual Fund is “Sahi” for!

How to use Mutual Funds for Retirement Planning

Mutual Funds are a powerful tool for retirement planning, offering flexibility at every stage. Start with SIPs in equity funds early, step up contributions as income grows, shift to debt funds as retirement nears, and use SWPs for a steady income stream post-retirement. With the right strategy, Mutual Funds Sahi Hai for securing your future!

3 things you didn’t know about Mutual Fund SIP investments

Mutual Fund SIPs are gaining immense popularity, with investments crossing the ?7,000 crore mark. But before you dive in, there are key aspects to understand. This blog explores why low returns in the early years aren’t necessarily bad, how volatility can work in your favor, and how some SIPs even offer free life insurance. Read on to make the most of your SIP investments!

3 Questions to ask your Financial Advisor

A good Financial Advisor helps you stay on track with your financial goals, manage risks, and optimize your investments. This blog highlights three essential questions to ask your advisor—ensuring your finances are well-planned, protected, and free from underperforming assets. Read on to make smarter financial decisions and secure your future.

5 Financial Planning Habits of Wealthy Investors

Ever wondered how the wealthy approach their day to day Financial Planning? Although the rich are a varied bunch when it comes to their personal traits, there are in fact a few money habits that can be considered fairly common amongst them. Some of them might surprise you.

The Pros and Cons of Robo Advisors

Robo Advisors offering ‘automated investment advice’ are attracting quite a bit of attention of late. A few of them have attracted high ticket VC and PE investments recently, instantly catapulting them into the headlines in today’s age of the Unicorn. In case you’re wondering whether a robo advisor is the right path for you to take, here’s a quick synopsis of their pros and cons.

Can you Afford your Child’s College Education?

“Sending ones children to a good college” consistently ranks as one of the top financial goals for most Indian parents. No wonder a plethora of financial products exist that specifically target this goal. However, with rising education costs, a good college degree is unlikely to come cheap in the years to come. Unless one is very wealthy and sitting on large savings, it becomes nearly impossible to have the required money ready in time without having a robust plan in place. Unfortunately, recent research has shown that more than 75% of Indian parents wish they had started saving for their children’s college fund earlier than they did. Given that the quality of your child’s education will make a significant difference to his or her future earnings and career growth prospects, it’s no wonder that this becomes a ‘top of the mind’ priority for all parents.

3 Ways to Make Your Tax Saving Mutual Funds Work for You

Tax Saving. For most of us, these two words are like music to our ears! In fact, a big part of the unchecked proliferation of Life Insurance Products may be attributed to our collective obsession with financial instruments that lead to tax saving gains.

What is Retirement Planning?

For most of us, Retirement Planning isn’t something we take seriously until we hit our mid-forties. One fine day, we get up realising we’ve got less than a decade and a half left until we hang up our work boots, and panic sets in! Since we no longer have time on our side, we end up making massive lifestyle compromises in order to put together a corpus that’s sizeable enough to help us pull through our non-earning years. Needles to say, this isn’t an enviable position to find yourself in.

Low SIP returns? Don’t worry!

AMFI’s impactful and far reaching “Mutual Funds Sahi Hai” successfully drew thousands of first time Mutual Fund investors into the fold in the past three years. Emboldened by healthy past returns, a large number of these investors took the SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) route. Unfortunately for them, SIP returns haven’t quite been hunky dory in the past couple of years. The large majority of Mutual Fund SIP investors who began investing last year are sitting on flat to marginally negative returns and having to wrestle with creeping doubts.

How to Choose a Great Financial Advisor

Everyone’s a Financial Advisor these days: your Insurance Agent, your Chartered Accountant, your Bank Manager, your Real Estate Agent, and if the markets turn bullish ahead of the general elections, it’s likely that your local ‘paanwalla’ will become a self-style Financial Advisor too!

Should you invest into NFO’s (New Fund Offers)?

With the rising buzz around Mutual Fund NFOs, many investors are drawn in by the allure of low NAVs and fresh opportunities. But are they really a smart investment? This blog unpacks the reality of NFO performance, the impact of marketing expenses, and the risks of over-diversification. Read on to discover why seasoned funds with proven track records might be a wiser choice for long-term gains.