Investing Insights

How are Mutual Fund SIP Returns Calculated?

Read this blog to learn how are Mutual Fund SIP returns are calculated? To know more about how SIP returns are calculated, visit FinEdge now.

Child Education Planning using Mutual Funds

One common inference emerges singularly in all Financial Planning surveys in India – planning for our kids’ education is always going to be a top priority for Indian parents! Although this aspiration hasn’t changed over the years, the way we save for this critical goal has undergone dramatic shifts. Gone are the days when investors looked no further than “Child Education Insurance Plans” to fund their kids’ higher studies. With AMFI’s impactful “Mutual Funds Sahi hai” campaign, has come the awareness that a low cost, potentially high return, and transparent tool exists for Child Education Planning, in the form of Mutual Funds. Here are the three stages of accumulating wealth for your Child’s Higher studies using Mutual Funds.

3 Reasons Why a SIP in an ELSS Makes Sense

Equity Mutual Funds have been going great guns of late! Despite the volatility witnessed during FY18, Equity funds (including ELSS) witnessed robust net inflow of Rs. 1.71 lakh crore. In the eleven-month period ending February 2018, cumulative SIP contribution was Rs. 60,071 crores. It is estimated that more than Rs. 6,000 crores now flow into Mutual Funds each month, via the SIP route.