Investing Insights
8 Wealth Creation Lessons to Accelerate Your Financial Planning Journey
Everybody desires to create wealth to fulfill their financial goals. The financial planning journey to fulfilling goals is a long-term journey spanning years or decades. During this long journey, wealth creation lessons can act as a guiding force and accelerate the journey.
5 Behavioural Biases That Influence Our Investment Decisions
Human behaviour takes shape over a period of time based on various factors. Some of these include what we see, read, watch, and learn from people in our lives, television, social media, etc.
Categorise Financial Goals Into Short, Medium and Long-Term Goals, Prioritise and Achieve Them
In the case of many people, they have a long list of financial goals, and limited financial resources to achieve them. In such a scenario, they can prioritise financial goals based on the time horizon to achieve them. In this article, we will understand how you can categorise your financial goals into short, medium and long-term goals and how to prioritise and achieve them.
What Are the Different Types of Waiting Periods in a Health Insurance Policy?
How will a health insurance company respond in the following scenarios for individual health insurance policies?
What Are the Different Types of SIPs? How to Use Step-Up SIP to Reach Your Financial Goals Faster?
In the past, over long investment periods, stock markets have given excellent returns and created wealth for investors. However, in the short term, markets can be very volatile and experience big bouts of corrections. Hence, it is always recommended that you invest in small amounts regularly over the long term.
Does Daily, Weekly, or Monthly SIP Make a Difference in Returns? Which One Should You Choose?
Systematic investment plans (SIPs) are the go-to mode of investments in mutual funds for most retail investors. In April 2024, the number of SIP accounts stood at 8.70 crores
Best Ways for NRIs to Invest in Indian Equities
India is an oasis of growth in a desert. India has a huge NRI population, with millions of them living in various developed and developing countries across the world. While these NRIs stay and earn income in various countries, they face the challenge of limited investment opportunities in most developed countries.
Where Should You Invest if the BJP Government Comes to Power?
In the State Assembly elections concluded in November 2023, the BJP got a decisive majority in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. The party retained Madhya Pradesh while it wrested Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan from the Congress party.
Child Education Planning - Why Is It Important, and How to Plan For It?
Every parent aspires to send their children to the best college/institute for higher education. However, most of the time, the best college comes with a high price tag. Considering the higher number of students applying for admission and the limited supply of seats with good colleges, the competition is very high.
Form is Temporary, Class is Permanent
In cricket, we see many big players being criticized when they are out of form in a few games. Then there are some players who play well in a T-20 format but are unable to perform in the 50-overs or the test-match format.
How to Use SWP for Withdrawing Funds From an Accumulated Corpus
There are instances when you need a specified amount every month for a specified purpose. For example, you may need a specified amount every month to pay the child's education fees, loan EMIs, regular expenses during retirement, etc.
Nominee vs Legal Heir: Who Has the Right to Your Mutual Funds?
SEBI has taken the important initiative of making people choose nomination for their mutual fund investments. Investors must either provide nomination details in the specified format or opt out of it with a prescribed declaration form. For existing assets, the deadline for nomination or opting out of it is 30th June 2024, post which the mutual fund folios will be frozen for debits.
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